Treat your senses to something bright and sweet like our Blood Orange Essential Oil. Slightly tarter than Sweet Orange, its zestful nature entices every nerve in your body. Diffuse it into your living space to improve the aroma of a stale-smelling room or to enhance your DIY cleaning products. There’s no question why reaching for Blood Orange is just what you need when you’re feeling down. Blood Orange can also help ease nerves and uplifts your mood.
Blood Orange Essential Oil
Botanical Name: Citrus sinensis
Country of Origin: Italy
Extraction Method: Cold Pressed
Plant Part: Fruit Peel
Aromatic Scent: Intense juicy-fresh, zesty, citrus scent
KidSafe®: Yes
Pregnancy Safe: Yes
Nursing Safe: Yes
Directions: Aromatic - Diffuse using 3-4 drops per 100 mL of water or use in a personal inhaler. Topical - Dilute to 2-4% in a carrier.